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English/Dental care

‘Proper’ brushing is more important than the frequency of brushing.



‘Proper’ brushing is more important than

the frequency of brushing.



People usually brush their teeth

1~3 times a day, however brushing

your teeth too hard can lead to sensitive

teeth due to cervical abrasion or gums






Due to the repetitive bad brushing habits,

teeth can be visually worn out or small

pockets can be created between teeth

and gums. In severe cases, tooth

extraction is inevitable.


Prevention is a key to maintain oral health.

For oral health, proper brushing after

eating is extremely important.





How to properly brush your teeth



-3-3-3 Rule! Brush your teeth 30 minutes

after eating for 3 times a day for about 3



-Gently brush your lower teeth from

bottom to top and upper teeth from

top to bottom.


-Brush inner surfaces of your teeth in a

circle from the gum line toward chewing



-Brush and sweep behind your front teeth

with circular motion over the front and

back.(Since a toothbrush is hard to reach

behind the front teeth, try brushing more

carefully that area  to prevent dental



-To clean molars, move the brush in a

back and forth motion.

-Rinse your moth over 7 times

(Detergents in toothpaste can result in

bad breath and the propagation of germs.






Even if you do brush your teeth carefully,

it is hard to get your teeth and gums

completely clean. Therefore, use a dental

floss or an interdental brush to remove

debris stuck in your mouth.


Perform oral self-care and visit dentist

every 6 months or 1 year to prevent

dental disease.




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 a top priority"
-S-PLANT DentalClinic-