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Teeth whitening, can be made with a great effort.



Teeth whitening, can be made

with a great effort.





Clean and white teeth make a good

first impression, so celebrities invest

heavily in teeth whitening, furthermore

they have laminate veneer for clean and

neat teeth even if their teeth are

perfectly normal.

However, if your teeth aren’t severely

discolored, you can make white teeth

even with liftstyle and food.


To do this, you need to be careful with

certain foods which cause discolored teeth.

Smoking, curry, coffee, red tea and wine

lead to tooth staining. As many people

know, nicotine in a cigarette clings to

your teeth and tannin in coffee and tea

causes teeth to stains. Also, polyphenols

in wine erodes tooth enamel so that

these are some of causes of tooth






Plus, curry powder contains curcumin

which easily stains the teeth, and

tomato sauce because of their acidity

wears away dentin. In order to avoid

discoloration, spinach and lettuce

together with above foods will help to

clean the teeth.


When you eat those foods causing

damage to your teeth, you would better

brush the teeth or rinse out the mouth.





On the other hand, apple, strawberry,

dark chocolate and green tea are good for

teeth whitening.

Strawberries contain amino acids which

make the protective layer of tooth for

stains and malic acid which helps remove

stains from teeth.





Green tea is known for causing

yellow teeth, however its tannin does

significantly help with yellow teeth

stains and prevent bacteria load while

also polyphenols eliminates bacteria

in the mouth.





Like this, eating a variety foods in life

helps teeth whitening but the most

important things for white teeth is

good oral care.


Brush your teeth 3 times a day

30 minutes after eating for 3 minute,

and get a periodic dental scaling to

remove bacterial plaque.





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