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What are the benefits of Invisalign? Virtually invisible Invisalign! What are the benefits of Invisalign? Virtually invisible Invisalign! Invisalign G6 is available on any tooth! Invisalign is the mother of clear aligners and its clinical case and outcomes were verified. Invisalign G6 which is an upgraded clear aligner is designed to help with the first premolar extraction process. Invisalign G6’s optimized attachments enables teeth movement for extraction and it..
Why do many overseas patients visit S-PLANT Dental Hospital? Why do many overseas patients visit S-PLANT Dental Hospital? S-PLANT Dental Hospital in Gangnam, Seoul, all our dentists hold PhD degrees from Seoul National University and consist of specialists for dental implants and orthodontics recognized at both Korean and abroad. Many patients for dental implants and orthodontics in difficult cases visit us. So, we had an interview with the staff of SIDC(..
‘Proper’ brushing is more important than the frequency of brushing. ‘Proper’ brushing is more important than the frequency of brushing. People usually brush their teeth 1~3 times a day, however brushing your teeth too hard can lead to sensitive teeth due to cervical abrasion or gums problem. Due to the repetitive bad brushing habits, teeth can be visually worn out or small pockets can be created between teeth and gums. In severe cases, tooth extraction is inevit..
S-PLANT Dental Hospital had a year-end ceremony. S-PLANT Dental Hospital had a year-end ceremony. On Friday 15th December, S-PLANT Dental Hospital had a year-end ceremony. Many staff members attended the event held at 3rd floor of our building after working. It was chilled out and cool! Everyone chatted up with their friends~! Since last year, we’ve held a special event called [Happiness of 10,000 won] that lotteries have random drawings of nu..