Why do many overseas patients
visit S-PLANT Dental Hospital?
S-PLANT Dental Hospital in Gangnam,
Seoul, all our dentists hold PhD degrees
from Seoul National University and
consist of specialists for dental implants
and orthodontics recognized at both
Korean and abroad. Many patients for
dental implants and orthodontics in
difficult cases visit us.
So, we had an interview with the staff of
SIDC(S-PLANT International Dental Clinic) to
talk about the care process for overseas
patients and how can they visit our
hospital to dental treatment.
1. Which countries’ patients
Commonly visit?
Usually many Russian, Kazakhs and Kyrgyz
people visit here and others are from
East Asia, Japan, USA, Australia, etc…
they all have been inquiring a lot.
There are various nationalities.
Foreign visitors living in Korea who need
dental treatment, search for the dentist
where the doctors and staff speak English
or Russian and come to see our dentist.
S-PLANT Dental Hospital is chosen as one
of the hospitals where foreigners
very often visit and is published on the
brochure of Korean Health Industry
Development Institute, Seoul Medical
Tourism and Gangnam Medical Tour Center.
2. What can you come in for?
There are many reasons for visiting our
hospital; dental implants, dental
prosthetics, treatment for periodontal
disease and caries, cosmetic dentistry,
teeth whitening, etc…
Of that, those who are diagnosed with
Difficult cases for dental implants in
their country due to inadequate jaw bone
or chronic diseases come to get the
Furthermore, the high quality medical
service compared to the price is one of
the major factors attracting patients.
3. How do they know S-PLANT
Dental Hospital?
It has several reasons.
Mostly our patients are satisfied with
our medical services and recommend
us to people around them.
We receive many inquiries through
call, E-mail, Kakaotalk, Whatsapp, etc…
after customers search on search engines
like Google, INDEX …
4. How long does it take to
Answer the inquiry?
Simple inquiries are usually answered
within a day. When customers send their
X-ray or CT pictures for detailed
information including treatment planning,
period and cost, we try to reply within
two days. If they provide the details
like their symptoms, we are able to let
them know the nearest treatment plan
which is made on their first visit.
5. How is a dental appointment
According to patient’s medical need,
we plan based on their expected period
of stay in Korea, and then they adjust
the schedule and purchase a flight
ticket to visit Korea. In this process,
our dental concierge assists between
medical team and overseas patients.
We have an advanced reservation system
so that we can arrange treatment
schedule in time for their departure date.
As long as the treatment process does
not contain any variable, it will proceed
according to the initial plan.
6. Is the specific consultation
Only possible after site visit?
what about over the phone?
On the consulting step, we will be able
to answer precisely depending on the
provided information from patients.
When it comes to the actual medical
process, we need to take the patient’s
panoramic X-ray or CT scanning to
identify their teeth and gums
by our doctors in person.
Especially in the case of a
consultation for a dental implant surgery,
a virtual surgery simulation using
3D CT is proceeded.
7. How is the treatment
There are residing English and Russian
speaking coordinators because we get
many people visiting from abroad.
We strive to communicate with foreigners
smoothly not to make them as homely
as possible without a language barrier
and pay close attention from
the appointment to the treatment
and aftercare. Moreover, all our staff
and dentists have extensive experiences
to take care of foreigners.
8. After the necessary dental
The coordinator explains thoroughly
about treatment procedure and
If they have any questions or problems
even after going back home, we try to
answer them promptly. Our patients are
eligible to receive the guarantee applied
to dental implants, prosthetic treatment
and tooth decay treatment.
The dental implant passport is provided
for warranties to ensure that the patient’s
dental implants last them a life time.
9. Why do you recommend
S-PLANT Dental Hospital to
overseas patients?
To put it simply, all S-PLANT Dental
Hospital dentists hold PhD degrees
from Seoul National University and have
extensive clinical experiences that have
been recognized at both Korea and
abroad, thus our patients are pleased
with the excellent dental care.
We maintain the standard of
International infection control
in order to ensure the utmost safety.
We plan and complete the treatment by
considering that foreign patients would
prefer a short period of overall treatment.
Sometimes people are afraid of how to
find out the suitable hospital for their
complex dental problems, however
there are many curable treatment cases
at S-PLANT Dental Hospital. Also, famous
politicians and celebrities received
the dental treatment from us.
We plan and complete the treatment
by considering that foreign patients
would prefer a short period of overall
treatment. Sometimes people are afraid
of how to find out the suitable hospital
for their complex dental problems,
however there are many curable
treatment cases at
S-PLANT Dental Hospital.
Also, famous politicians and celebrities
received the dental treatment from us.
This is the interview about SIDC
(S-PLANT International Dental Clinic)
overseas patient care process.
Not an easy dental implant and
orthodontic treatment, we hope you can
receive safe treatment from the specialized
dentist and regain your oral health.
"Patient safety is always
a top priority"
-S-PLANT DentalClinic-