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What is denture stomatitis and how to prevent denture stomatitis? (2)



What is denture stomatitis and

how to prevent denture stomatitis? (2)





Preventing denture stomatitis




Good oral hygiene is mandatory.

The mouth must be kept as clean as

possible and a thorough rinse after

meals should be performed.




Local factors which promote growth of

yeasts, such as smoking or wearing

the dentures throughout the night,

must be discouraged.




Appropriate denture-wearing habits,

instructing the patient to take his/her

denture out of the mouth for 6-8 hours

each day.




Dentures should be removed for as

long as possible and definitely overnight.

Dentures should be brushed in warm,

soapy water and soaked overnight in

an antiseptic solution such as bleach

(10 drops of household bleach in a

denture cup), chlorhexidine

(not when the denture has metal

components), or in any solution suitable

for sterilizing baby´s feeding bottles.

Benzoic acid containing products

should be avoided as they induce changes

in the composition of acrylic materials.




fitting and occlusal balance should be

checked to avoid trauma. A new prosthesis

should be made, if necessary.





"Patient safety is always
 a top priority"
-S-PLANT DentalClinic-