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English/S-PLANT Dental Hospital

The article presented by Dr. Hur of S-PLANT Dental Hospital was posted on a website called The Korean Journal of Orthodontics.



The article, [Investigation of the effects of

miniscrew-assisted rapid palatal expansion

on airflow in the upper airway of an adult

patient with obstructive sleep apnea

syndrome using computational

fluid-structure interaction analysis],

presented by Dr. Hur of S-PLANT Dental

Hospital was posted on a website called

The Korean Journal of Orthodontics.





The following article is extracted from

[Investigation of the effects of miniscrew-

assisted rapid palatal expansion on airflow

in the upper airway of an adult

patient with obstructive sleep apnea

syndrome using computational fluid-

structure interaction analysis] and Dr. Hur

read his paper at the 50th Annual

Symposium of Korean Association of










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 a top priority"
-S-PLANT DentalClinic-