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S-PLANT Dental Hospital – A signboard hanging ceremony for Astra Implants



S-PLANT Dental Hospital –

A signboard hanging ceremony for

Astra Implants





A signboard hanging ceremony for

Astra Implants, which was named after

[Korean Dental Hospital], was held at

S-PLANT Dental Hospital on 13

November 2017.





S-PLANT Dental Hospital is designated

Korean Dental Hospital for Astra dental

implants from Astra Tech in Sweden,

which is one of the top three dental

implants and used in the most

prestigious hospital in Korea and abroad.





Yuhan Co, Ltd., only Korean official

importer for Astra dental implants,

officials attended this ceremony.

Mr. Jong-Hong Lee severed as

Managing Director of Dental Business

TFT at Yuhan Corporation said,

“In order to gather data and clinical

cases for a safe dental implant surgery,

S-PLANT Dental Hospital that best

suits in terms of the quality of care and

surgical experiences, so we are looking

forward to their role.”





S-PLANT Dental Hospital has been

certified as a Dental Hospital of

Excellence in Astra Implants and holds

many clinical cases of Astra Implants

so that all prosthodontists of S-PLANT

Dental Hospital were appointed

Key Doctor.





Astra Implants is well known for a short

healing period due to 99% success rate

of the operation, the lowest rate of

bone loss, high rate of osseointegration,

etc. All the members of S-PLANT Dental

Hospital hold a PhD from Department of

Dentistry, Seoul National University and

provide 1:1 responsible diagnosis and

treatment. Moreover, we ensure the

quality of medical care as a hospital

accredited by the Ministry of Health and

Welfare of Korea.





Astra Implants proves a high level of

safety due to a lot of clinical data

 of over 30 years.

Since we are designated as Korean

Dental Hospital of Astra Implants, we

promise to provide a safer treatment

with the highest level of care and

continue to play important roles.



"Patient safety is always

 a top priority"

-S-PLANT DentalClinic-