Dr. Byoung-Sup SOHN_ Korean Media
Health Chosun, “Anatomage Guide for
Fast and Safe Dental Implant”
Dr. Byoung-Sup SOHN of S-PLANT
Dental Hospital gave an interview to
Health Chosun, Korean media.
They had a Q and A session about
dental implant. Dr. Sohn who is a doctor
of S-PLANT Dental Hospital and holds
a PhD from Seoul National University
answered the questions in detail.
Dr. Sohn said, “In order to place dental
implants rapidly and safely, guided
implant surgery is suitable.
It is available to minimize side effects
through virtual simulation surgery and
exact diagnosis of implant size and its
angle. 8~10 implants can be placed
at one time within 2 hours therefore
patients can recover quickly without
incision of the gum from dental
implant surgery.”
Dr. Sohn participates steadily in variety
of medical academies and lectures for
safe and effective dental implant surgery,
and continues to strive for dentistry
"Patient safety is always
a top priority"
-S-PLANT DentalClinic-