Digital Dentidtry _
5th Dentium
Tehran Symposium]
Guest Lecture
by Dr. Roh Hyun Ki
A happy event [2017 Scaling day of love] for
Dr. Roh Hyun Ki, PhD from Seoul
National University, is currently
‘Key Opinion Leader’ of Dentium Implant.
Based upon his experiences, he gave
a lecture about overall procedures and
techniques of dental implant surgery
and how it is effectively done with
CAD/CAM technology.
Below are the content
Dr. Hyun-Ki Roh has written in the brochure
[Dentium Symposium in Iran 2020].
Intern and resident at department of
prosthetic dentistry, dental hospital,
Seoul National University
Director of S-Plant Hospital
Topic: The Application of Dental
CAD/CAM Guided Implant Treatment
by Dentium Guide
In daily implant treatment procedure,
implant restoration of lower first molar is
a simple process with less concentration.
But after delivery of final restoration,
May occur and remedying this could be
difficult. Furthermore, in multiple
complicated implants cases, the best
treatment result cannot be guaranteed
by simple manual process with intuitive
approach. Guided planning based on data
and software will make better treatment
Nowadays in updated dental
field,-3dimensional CBCT is a routine
process for treatment planning instead of
-2dimensionnal pantomograph.
Technology with CBCT can provide
more realistic environment via data
merging could be used for more precise
treatment planning
Tangible works like surgical guide,
customized abutment and provisional
restoration can be made by meticulous
handling of input data before operation
the goal of this data flow is the
reproduction of planning data to
final results for the patient.
Surgical implant guide supervises
the guidance of data conversion form
planning to results.
Final prosthesis must be planned and
designed according to initial guidance
This treatment planning and
implementation guarantees the best
treatment results by adequate data
conversion between digital and analogue
process through CAD/CAM technology.
Digital dentistry needs the adequate data
flow from meticulous handling of initial
treatment planning by continuous feedback
of input data.
Through this presentation, he presented
several clinical cases using CAD/CAM
process via surgical implant guide.
"Patient safety is always
a top priority"
-S-PLANT DentalClinic-