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Pain after dental implant bone graft, what are you wondering about? Pain after dental implant bone graft, what are you wondering about? If you have heard you need bone grafting for dental implants, you might search pain after dental implant bone graft. Bone graft surgery is needed when the jawbone is not enough to support the implant. It is a process to keep the implant strong in place in its current state. What if you have severe pain after bone grafting? Usual..
‘Proper’ brushing is more important than the frequency of brushing. ‘Proper’ brushing is more important than the frequency of brushing. People usually brush their teeth 1~3 times a day, however brushing your teeth too hard can lead to sensitive teeth due to cervical abrasion or gums problem. Due to the repetitive bad brushing habits, teeth can be visually worn out or small pockets can be created between teeth and gums. In severe cases, tooth extraction is inevit..
Virtually unnoticeable braces, Incognito! Virtually unnoticeable braces, Incognito! Incognito braces are the most popular as invisible lingual orthodontic appliances. The Incognito system is manufactured in Germany and it is applied on the lingual side of teeth. The conventional lingual braces work just like a conventional fixed braces even if the brackets and wires are hidden behind the teeth, thus it affects pronunciation and is hard ..
S-PLANT Dental Hospital had a year-end ceremony. S-PLANT Dental Hospital had a year-end ceremony. On Friday 15th December, S-PLANT Dental Hospital had a year-end ceremony. Many staff members attended the event held at 3rd floor of our building after working. It was chilled out and cool! Everyone chatted up with their friends~! Since last year, we’ve held a special event called [Happiness of 10,000 won] that lotteries have random drawings of nu..
December is here!! Winter decoration for S-PLANT Dental Hospital! December is here!! Winter decoration for S-PLANT Dental Hospital! We’ve decorated our office with Christmas supplies to welcome December and winter. See this adorable Christmas decorations everywhere in our hospital! Dr. HUR wearing a Santa suit in the orthodontic center takes care of patients and says “Merry Christmas~!!” If you visit here in December, you can see him HAHA This is a lively S-PL..
Seoul Medical Tour annual conference – S-PLANT Dental Hospital Seoul Medical Tour annual conference – S-PLANT Dental Hospital Seoul Medical Tour annual conference was held on 6 December in Han River Cruise called Ara S-PLANT International Dental Clinic(SIDC) Ms. Ji-Yeon LIM was invited the event. Many officials of Seoul medical tourism attended there and it was a great party with beautiful night views of Seoul. We really highly appreciate and are grateful f..
S-PLANT Dental Hospital has chosen as a superior institute for foreign patient attraction in 2017. S-PLANT Dental Hospital has chosen as 2017 Excellent Healthcare Institution for Contribution to Atrtracting Overseas Patients. S-PLANT Dental Hospital will continue to offer excellent patient care to all of our patients and play a part in dental hospital that represents Korea. "Patient safety is always a top priority" -S-PLANT DentalClinic-
The article presented by Dr. Hur of S-PLANT Dental Hospital was posted on a website called The Korean Journal of Orthodontics. The article, [Investigation of the effects of miniscrew-assisted rapid palatal expansion on airflow in the upper airway of an adult patient with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome using computational fluid-structure interaction analysis], presented by Dr. Hur of S-PLANT Dental Hospital was posted on a website called The Korean Journal of Orthodontics. The following article is extracted from [Inves..