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Failure of the Dental Implant Failure of the Dental Implant Although usually made of titanium metal, there is still a chance your implant can break or bend. Thanks to advances in the materials and designs of implants, this doesn’t happen as often today as it did years ago. If your implant is exposed to excessive external forces, like grinding teeth or a blow to the face, it can fracture or crack. In most cases, if your denta..
How to Know if Your Permanent Implant Needs to Be Looked At How to Know if Your Permanent Implant Needs to Be Looked At Dentist needs to examine your permanent dental implant in the event you have complications or the procedure has failed. Though this is unusual, knowing when to have a professional check your implant can offer peace of mind. Complications Although complications are rare and resolved easily, they can still happen. Even with the high succe..
Are Dental Implants Successful? Are Dental Implants Successful? According to the report, dental implants have a 95 percent average success rate, but their success depends on the location of your missing teeth and your health and lifestyle. Since they penetrate the gum and jaw bone, some people, such as those who suffer from diabetes or smoke, might not be well-suited for implants. Before suggesting one or more permanent dental..
Are Dental Implants Permanent? Are Dental Implants Permanent? How long does a dental implant last? You may have heard the lifespan of a dental implant is 25 years or more, which is true, as long as you take proper care of them. Whether dental implants last forever is influenced by a variety of factors, such as: -How well you take care of your dental implants, like daily flossing and brushing, seeing a dentist every six months..
What is a Dental Implant and what are the sedation methods? What is a Dental Implant and what are the sedation methods? A dental implant is one way that a dentist can replace a bridge or lost tooth. Since it’s placed into your jaw it is a pretty invasive procedure, but it’s also one that is lasting and offers patients a more permanent fix than other options. There are many reasons why someone might need a dental implant, such as an injury or periodontal ..
How long do dental implant last? How long do dental implant last? Many people usually think how long dental implants last before the procedure. Like the lifespan of human healthy teeth is vary from person to person, dental implants also depend on oral status, health condition, dentist’s skill, patient’s careful care, ectc… Therefore, dentists will not be able to predict exactly how long implants work. However, the average lifes..
How Safe Is Sedation Dentistry? How Safe Is Sedation Dentistry? There is always a risk in getting anesthesia. It is usually safe, though, when given by experienced dentists or anesthesiologist. However, certain people, such as those who are obese or who have obstructive sleep apnea, should talk to their doctor before having sedation. That's because they are more likely to develop complications from the anesthesia. It's importa..
IV Sedation in Dentistry for those who are afraid of implant surgery. IV Sedation in Dentistry for those who are afraid of implant surgery. A Proven Way to Enhance Comfort, Prevent Pain & Anxiety for Implant Surgery at S-PLANT Dental Hospital. Intravenous (IV) sedation dentistry is used primarily for moderate to severe dental surgical procedures (ie. Implant surgery) and for patients that want to be completely asleep during their dental treatment. Sedation dentist..