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How to Know if Your Permanent Implant Needs to Be Looked At



How to Know if Your Permanent

Implant Needs to Be Looked At





Dentist needs to examine your permanent

dental implant in the event you have

complications or the procedure has failed.

Though this is unusual, knowing when

to have a professional check your implant can

offer peace of mind.







Although complications are rare and resolved

easily, they can still happen.

Even with the high success rate,

teeth implant complications include:


- Infection around your implant area,

loose implant or an implant falls out.


- Tissue or nerve damage causing numbness,

pain or tingling in your gums, chin, lips or

natural teeth.


- Pressure on the area of your implant,

which could cause the implant to fall out or fail.

- Sinus problems due to implants touching

sinus cavities, if your implants are placed in

your upper jaw.


- Peri-implantitis, where the surrounding bone

and gum of your implant becomes inflamed

due to bacterial infection or excessive biting

forces. This condition, if left untreated,

can cause you to lose your implant.





It’s important that you follow routine

maintenance care at your home above

after you receive your implants and follow-up

with your dentist to avoid these issues.


During your dental implant process,

your dentist examines your surrounding hard

and soft tissues and uses special tools

to remove any hard, calcified deposits

that accumulate around your implant.

They may adjust your bite if necessary to

avoid the force of heavy biting,

which could negatively impact your implant.





It can take several months for the entire

healing process of your implant surgery

since your bone has to heal firmly around

your implant. This healing time might be

longer if you have an infection in the root of

your tooth or if you need a bone

graft procedure.





"Patient safety is always
 a top priority"
-S-PLANT DentalClinic-