Patients with chronic diseases
such as diabetes, hypertension,
and osteoporosis should be
careful when choosing a hospital
for implant surgery.
People with diabetes, hypertension,
osteoporosis or other chronic illnesses have
difficulty in dental implant surgery
when it’s needed.
It is recommended to go to a specialized
hospital or a University hospital rather
than small clinics or
where there are no specialists.
What are the risks?
<Dental Implant for diabetic patients>
Diabetic patients often have inflammation and
bleeding due to lack of insulin and
they are more likely to have gingivitis,
periodontitis and cavities.
For these reasons, there is a high probability
of bleeding or inflammation after
implant surgery.
There is a possibility that it may have more
general oral issues than any one problem.
Therefore patients with diabetes need
cooperative care with other departments
of dentistry such as conservative dentistry,
Prosthodontics, Periodontics etc..
<Dental Impant for hypertension,
cardiovascular patients>
Patients with hypertension and cardiovascular
disease may experience hemostasis problems
and sudden rise in blood pressure during
surgery. Therefore dental implant surgery
itself is not easy for them.
For that reason, patients with hypertension
and those with cardiovascular disease
need to finish the surgery with a minimal
incision and control bleeding
within a short time.
<Dental Implant for
osteoporosis patients>
Patients with osteoporosis may have a
direct effect on bone and may cause
osteonecrosis after dental implant placement.
Because of the drugs that treat
osteoporosis have the effect of inhibiting
the activity of osteoclasts
(cells that destroy bone) so that
the bones are no longer weakened, as
this affects the success of implant surgery.
When osteoclasts are activated, osteocytes
(cells that produce bone) are also activated
After the dental implants are placed,
the osteoclasts are required to create
new bones around them,
so that the implants fixture can be firmly fixed.
Medicines for osteoporosis can interfere
with the process.
For the above reason, patients with
chronic diseases such as diabetes,
hypertension and osterporosis must inform
about their medical history including
medication, and also they need to be
treated after enough consultation with an
experienced medical staff about the disease.
If the surgery of a patient with chronic
disease fails (failure of implant fixture after
the surgery or failure of implant placement
itself), it is often difficult to re-do the surgery.
Therefore it is advisable to pay close
attention to those hospitals that offer only
cheap cost and do not consider systemic
disease and lastly having consultation with
your doctor before treatment is even more
"Patient safety is always
a top priority"
-S-PLANT DentalClinic-