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What is difference between implant overdenture and denture?



What is difference between implant

overdenture and denture?



One of the biggest questions patients ask.





Dentures need to be cleaned and stored

in a glass of water before going to bed.

It tends to move frequently when you’re

eating and trap food which can increase

the risk of halitosis or oral problems.





In case of implant overdenture,

implants are placed with the connecting

device to put denture, therefore,

it is called “Snap-fastener Denture”.

Since these are more securely fixed,

the overdenture gives less harm to falling

out and the oral problem. In addition,

it gives more comfortable eating and wearing.





There are advantages though,

precise consultation with dentist is

necessary in the case of periodontal or

chronic disease since 2~6 dental implants

need to be placed.



When full mouth dental implants are

burdensome, customized dental implants

and accurate communication with dentist

would be a better way for more satisfactory






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