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“Are you curious about dental implant?” (2)

“Are you curious about dental implant?”


- Dr. Byungsup Sohn

from S-plant Dental Hospital





4. What are the major differences between

general surgery and guided implant surgery?


Ordinary implant surgery requires to wait

2 to 4 months for gingival bones to be

healed after extracting tooth and another

3 to 6 months to wait for adhesion.

It also takes one to two months longer to

place the implant crown.


On the other hand, guided surgery

eliminates those factors that can make

patients uncomfortable, and shortens

the length of the treatment period.

And the fixture of dental implants are

placed at precise locations and depths,

it is safe and long-lasting.


5. What is the difference in pain and

recovery period between guided implant

surgery and general implant surgery?


Existing implant surgery requires a direct

vision of the internal structure of the gingiva,

so it is necessary to open the flap 10 mm or

more therefore it cause a lot of bleeding and

recovery is slow. However, if you use

the surgical guide, it is possible to place

the implant in the position and the depth

determined according to the guide without

opening the flap so you can minimize

the damage to the blood vessels and nerves.





6. What are the proper care and precautions

after dental implant surgery?

Dental Implant care is very important

because more than 90% of the implant

failures are due to impregnated periodontal

disease caused by poor brushing and germ

management around the implant area.


With the same principle as the chronic

periodontitis, the dental implant area can

also be attacked by bacteria that cause


It is important to visit the dental clinic

regularly to see if there is any periodontal

disease. However, the most important

thing is to manage your oral hygiene

condition and to abandon bad habits

(tobacco, sweets).


7. Please give a word to those who are

considering dental implant.

If your teeth are not yet in a state of loss,

it is better to make sure that your natural

teeth are in a state where you can use

them more. If you can save your remaining

teeth without removing them,

you need to figure out if there is a possibility

of other treatments rather than dental implants.

And in some cases, bone grafting is also

necessary for dental implant,

therefore it is necessary to find an

experienced and skilled specialist for

accurate diagnosis.





So far, you’ve learned about

dental implants.

We hope that you will be able to restore

your teeth have good quality of life with

proper dental implant treatment,

as well as the fact that professional

medical staffs are more important than

implant surgery and cost.


“Are you curious about dental implant?”

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"Patient safety is always
 a top priority"
-S-PLANT DentalClinic-