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Dental implants without fail,One-day Dental Implants are the quick solution



Dental implants without fail,

One-day Dental Implants are

the quick solution






When several teeth are missing,

firstly you might search the internet about

dental implants. However, the more you

 get information about implants and visit

 many hospitals, the more you become

confused to choose the best one,

which ultimately leads to waste of time

until starting dental implant



Have you been previously told about

 One-day Dental Implants really performed

on the same day?

(* It depends on the patient’s

oral condition.)

S-PLANT Dental Hospital proceeds virtual

surgery simulation based on CT scan data

and carefully plans to optimize results.

Furthermore, it decreases the number

 of visits to the hospital.





The possibility of ‘One-day Dental Implants’

depends upon person to person,

but One-day dental implants establish

 the system available from the examination

 to the operation just in the same day.

‘One-day Dental Implants’ performed with

 a small incision within a short time

reduces the rate of post-operative

infections and the patient’s discomfort

so that patients can expect a fast recovery

with less downtime.

Through the virtual surgery simulation,

we can visualize and simulate

 the placement of dental implants precisely.


Patients can experience the excellent

dental implants in one day within 3 hours

by the optimized X-ray and 3D-CT

here at S-PLANT Dental Hospital!





S-PLANT Dental Hospital all dentists hold

PhD degrees from

Seoul National University

and put always safety first,

and we make difficult cases possible.

Experience the safer, faster and longer

 dental implants at S-PLANT Dental Hospital.





"Patient safety is always
 a top priority"
-S-PLANT DentalClinic-