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Bone grafting for dental implants and the pain




Bone grafting for dental implants

and the pain


You may have heard about bone grafting

when you visited the dentist or searched

for dental implants. Bone grafting is an

important procedure for dental implants

to add hard tissue to support

dental implants into the jawbone with

inadequate bone or infected structure.



When is bone grafting necessary for

dental implants?


1. If there is weak or infected jawbone,

2. If the jaw bone is infected by severe

periodontal disease,

3. If there are receding gums from long

Term denture wearing

4. If Sinus augmentation is necessary

5. If there is a prolonged period of

tooth loss,


There are many cases of bone grafting for

dental implants like the above.



Bone grafting is most commonly done

under the anesthesia so that there are

few patients complaining of pain.

However, some people suffer from

intense pain in the middle of

the procedure or even after it.

The severe infection in the gum affects

the dental anesthesia not working and

results in a sharp pain. Adding to that,

the pressure on the surgical site and

dental phobia can cause additional

post operative pain.





When the tissue damage occurs or

anesthesia wears off, the pain can be

constant or last for a short period of time.

Smoking and drinking interfere with

healing process as well. 


We hope you can receive safe and

successful dental implant surgery from

the recognized

S-PLANT Dental Hospital specialist at

both Korea and abroad.





"Patient safety is always
 a top priority"
-S-PLANT DentalClinic-