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What are the different types of artificial teeth?



What are the different types of artificial teeth?


Lets learn about types of artificial teeth,

its adavantages and disadvantages.


Over the years, if you have missing tooth for

many reasons, the lost tooth should be replaced

with artificial tooth.


When it comes to patients whose multiple or

all teeth are missing, they need to get artificial

teeth immediately since there is a lot of

discomfort in their daily life.







Dentures which most people know dont require

surgical procedure and its prices are affordable.

However, continued use of dentures may cause

the denture to become so loose and mobile as the

bone is absorbed and poorly fitting.

If dentures are worn over long periods,

they can result in resorption, bone loss or change

of facial shape, etc...





[Implant overdentures]


Dental implants are the most natural and

effective artificial teeth in terms of functionality

and aesthetics. It requires less maintain than

dentures, once implanted. However,

it is less cost-effective than dentures and also

the availability of dental implants depends

on the condition of the gums.






[Dental Implants]


Dental implants are the most natural and

effective artificial teeth in terms of functionality

and aesthetics. It requires less maintain than

dentures, once implanted. However, it is less

cost-effective than dentures and also

the availability of dental implants depends

on the condition of the gums.





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