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What happens while wearing braces?





What happens while wearing braces?






You can expect tooth pain.

For the first 3~7 days once you have

braces, you may experience toothache.

This is normal, as your jaw surrounding

the teeth tends to move

 into the right position.

There is no need to worry about it.





Braces adjustment is necessary.

When the appliance is attached for

the first time or is replaced with a

new one, essentially the time period of

the adjustments is advised.

When the treatment starts off with a

thin wire to straighten the crooked teeth,

the wire can move in the mouth and

hurt. Even worse, the tissue inside your

mouth might experience discomfort from

continuous poking wires.


In this case, use a wax provided from

the hospital or over-the-counter drugs

such as Oramedi or Albothyl.





Changes occur in dental occlusion.

When a tooth’s root and crown gradually

move and the changes in the tooth

location occur, the arrangement of

the teeth becomes different as well.

While wearing braces, eat the foods

with the both sides of your mouth and bite

down small pieces of foods over 30 times.

When possible, you would better

cut up hard foods into smaller pieces and

chew often and slowly.





"Patient safety is always
 a top priority"
-S-PLANT DentalClinic-