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[Dentium Symposium in Iran 2020]/ Guest Lecture by Dr. Roh Hyun Ki Dr. Roh Hyun Ki of S-PLANT Dental Hospital was invited to[5th Dentium Symposium in Iran]. This event was held from 30 August to 1 September in Tehran, Iran. Dr. Roh delivered his 2 lectures series on 1 September at 5th Dentium Symposium. Dr. Roh Hyun Ki, PhD from Seoul National University, is currently ‘Key Opinion Leader’ of Dentium Implant. Based upon his experiences, he gave a lecture about o..
Difficult dental implant surgery,[Virtual Surgery Simulation] is important to prevent the failure. Difficult dental implant surgery, [Virtual Surgery Simulation] is important to prevent the failure. [Virtual Surgery Simulation] As my teeth condition is proceeding as it is in practice. Based on the patient’s CT images, we provide patient-customized surgery that optimizes the operation plan by performing the implant simulation on the computer several times. Features of S-PLANT Dental Implant! C..
Complicated and prompt treatments are possible at S-Plant Dental Hospital Complicated and prompt treatments are possible at S-Plant Dental Hospital The dentistry specialized general hospital that maximizes the benefits according to the optimized system with verified ability of all the medical crew of PhDs from Seoul National University. 1. All the medical crew of PhDs from Seoul National University 2. [Anatomage Guide] R&D cooperation with International compnay Anatom..
S-Plant Dental Hospita l/ Hospital accredited by Ministry of Health and Welfare of Korea S-Plant Dental Hospital Accredited by Ministry of Health and Welfare of Korea "Patient safety is always a top priority" Hospital accredited by Ministry of Health and Welfare of Korea S-Plant Dental Hospital National mark authenticating reliable and safe hospital passed into over 200 certification options by Ministry of Health and Welfare. Hospital for VIP / S-Plant Dental Hosptial/ 1. 2. 4. 5.