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10 best foods to remove tartar with S-PLANT dental hospital.


Today, I brought an interesting content about tartar, one of the main reasons for dental visits. In fact, dentists recommend scaling every six months to one year.

Then why does tartar occur?
Tartar is a hardened form with a dental plaque attached to the tooth surface.
If the dental plaque is left for 24 hours, calculus may occur as the calcification proceeds.

Therefore, it is necessary to remove the bacterial plaque frequently, so it is better to remove the plaque by brushing before it is calcified.

Also, it would be the best if you use dental floss or interdental to clean the gaps between the teeth and the gums.

Then is there no other way to manage calculus except for brushing and scaling?
Using foods that are readily available to you can help you remove or prevent tartar.
Today, let's look at the best 10 foods to help you remove tartar with S-plant Dental Hospital.


#1. Srawberry.
Vitamin C in strawberry prevents calculus, and it is famous for its softening of existing calculus, making it easy to remove.
Strawberry is especially famous for foods that help teeth whitening and contains an enzyme called malic acid that removes discoloration of teeth.

#2. Tomato
Tomato is famous for rich in vitamin C with strawberries.
Tomato also contains a lot of water, so it is effective in preventing dry mouth.
Put cut tomatoes and strawberries and on your teeth for about 5 minutes, it is helpful for dry mouth, so try it when you eat them.

#3. Aloe.
Aloe Vera which is the extract of Aloe is famous for its ability to remove hard tartar and prevent tartar.
And if you brush your teeth with aloe vera, the effect will be doubled.

#4. Cheese.

Cheese is one of the beloved foods of the world.
Cheese seems that it may not help your teeth because of its rich and savory flavor, but in fact, cheese is a great food to help prevent the formation of bacteria that cause tartar.
It is also famous for neutralizing acids to prevent the formation of holes in teeth.
If you eat it with foods that contain a lot of acid, it can prevent tooth damage.

#5. Orange peel.
In the case of orange peel, the white part is famous for its effective in removing and preventing tartar.
It is effective if you cut the skin and rub the teeth and put it on for a long time.
It is good for preventing tartar because it is effective in removing the bacteria that cause tartar.

#6. Seaweed.
Seaweed is an alkaline food that converts acid into alkaline, which is effective in preventing tooth decay and helping teeth stay healthy.
In addition, it is rich in calcium to help the formation of bones and help blood circulation that brings both dental and general health.


#7. Carrot.

Carrots are famous for their high fiber content.
For nutrition, chew raw carrots as they are rather than boiled or roasted carrots.
But if you are uncomfortable eating raw carrots, you can also grind them and make juice.
Carrots have been proven to be effective as dog toothpaste.

#8. Pear.

Most people don't eat the area around the seeds in the middle because they are hard and not delicious.
However this seemingly useless area is actually effective for removing tartar which means that the part is excellent for removing plaque

#9. Baking soda.
Baking soda is an ingredient that is used a lot in our lives.
It is used to make breads and sweets, and is also used as detergent to remove contaminants from clothing or beauty. This baking soda is also effective in removing calculus from teeth.
As it is effective in removing tartar and whitening, it may be helpful to dental care once or twice a week.


#10. Vinegar & Salt.
Vinegar has a lot of acidic ingredients, so it's a prejudice that it won't help your teeth. However, if you use these vinegars well, they can be effective ingredients for preventing tartar and the away is to use it with salt.
If you dilute salt and vinegar at a ratio of 1 spoon and 2 spoon, and mix it with water in a small amount, it turns into gargle solution.
Using gargle with vinegar is excellent for removing and preventing tartar. So why not try at home?

We had time to know good foods related to tartar removal and prevention of teeth today.

Tartar can be helped with foods that mentioned above, but it is also necessary that you visit your dentist for regular check-ups and scaling.
And it is important to use a variety of oral care products to maintain a regular dental care.
Visit S-PLANT Dental Hospital for your dental care and health.