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English/Dental care

How will I know if I need wisdom tooth removal and extraction?

Wisdom teeth, or third molars, sometimes do not have room to fit into the mouth properly. This is believed to be due to the evolution of the human jaw, which has become smaller because of modern refinements in food and cooking. Primitive peoples needed the "extra" wisdom tooth as other back teeth, molars, broke down with their coarse diet.

Wisdom teeth that are healthy and properly positioned can be an asset. Because they are located far back in the mouth, they are often not needed for chewing and can be difficult to brush and floss. We may recommend the removal of wisdom teeth because waiting until you are older can increase the risk of problems.

Removing wisdom teeth may prevent:

-       Infection caused be a partially-erupted wisdom tooth through the gum and creating an opening where bacteria may enter. Pain, swelling and jaw stiffness may cause.

-       Damage or crowding of adjacent teeth caused by a wisdom tooth without enough room in the jaw or one that’s poorly aligned.

-       A fluid-filled cyst or tumor forming on or near an impacted tooth, destroying surrounding bone or tooth roots.

A large panoramic x-ray of the jaw, called a panograph, may show a tumor or cyst that can painlessly grow around the wisdom tooth, or destruction of the adjacent molar tooth roots. These are all valid reasons to have the wisdom teeth removed.

You should make sure to do regular checkups and get them evaluated whether you are experiencing pain or not. If there is no evidence that the wisdom tooth is causing pathology (disease) or damaging other teeth, then we recommend no treatment other than follow up observation at future dental visits.