Advantages of Digital Dental Implants
Dental implants are the best tooth
replacement option, and with our new
digital procedure, they’re even better.
Not only will you get attractive tooth
replacements that look and function
just like natural teeth, you’ll have a more
comfortable procedure with surgery that
takes less time. And you’ll require just 3~4
visits to our clinic, unlike traditional dental
implant procedures that may require 7 visits
or more. And the surgical guides allow for
more precise placement of
the dental implants, giving high stability and
excellent occlusion for the dental crowns.
All the Benefits of Other Dental Implants
It’s important to remember that with digital
dental implants, you’re still getting all the
benefits of traditional dental implants.
This includes:
1. Natural tooth appearance
2. Natural tooth function
3. Stimulates jawbone to maintain
facial structure
(clinical studies prove 20+ year function)
We don’t sacrifice any of these benefits
in the digital dental implant procedure.
But the procedure does come with a number
of additional benefits.
Shorter Procedure
One of the best benefits of digital dental
implants is that the procedure doesn’t take
as long. While traditional dental implant
surgery takes longer time,
the mock surgery step of the digital
procedure allows us to work out all
the details beforehand and optimize
the procedure.
Get Your Teeth Faster
With digital dental implants,
you are more likely to get your temporary
tooth the same day. And overall you’re much
more likely to get your restoration
faster compared to traditional procedures.
More Comfortable Procedure
Many people are worried that a dental
implant procedure will be painful,
but with modern anesthesia, there is no
discomfort during the procedure.
And with our digital dental implant
procedure we can reduce the discomfort
even further. There’s no need for incisions
and no need for stitches with this procedure.
The mock surgery stage also allows us to
optimize the procedure for a minimum
disruption of your gums and jaw.
And if you’re still anxious about
the procedure, we offer sedation dentistry
to help you more comfortable still.
Fewer Visits to the Dentist
With a traditional dental implant procedure,
you have to be at the office for almost
every stage in the planning.
That may mean a minimum of seven visits
to the dentist for a single dental implant.
But with digital dental implants,
we can do much of the planning without
you there by working off the digital model.
That means that you can get your dental
implant with just 3~4 visits to the clinic.
Short Recovery Time
Because the procedure is performed
without incisions and without stitches,
the recovery from the procedure is relatively
short. And although pain is personal and
variable, people will likely experience far
less discomfort from this type of dental
implant procedure than one conducted
using traditional techniques.
Excellent Occlusion
In the traditional dental implant procedure,
the implants are placed and then the dental
restorations have to be planned to fit
where the implant is.
Sometimes what seems like optimal
placement for the implant may not be
optimal for the crown, which has to be
compromised to fit with the implant
But with our digital dental implant procedure,
we can plan the entire implant at the
same time. By deciding on the best
placement for the root and the best shape
for the crown, bridge, or denture at the same
time, the two parts can be optimized together,
so the crown is never sacrificed or
Greater Precision and Stability
As part of the planning procedure,
we design and manufacture surgical guides
to direct placement of the dental implants.
The greater precision with this system
means that implants and restorations fit
tightly together, giving greater stability.
How Will the Procedure Benefit You?
These are the theoretical benefits of our
digital dental implant system.
If you want to learn how the system can
improve your dental implant procedure,
you need to visit the clinic and do
the consultation with implant dentist
in person.
If you are considering dental implants
in Seoul, Korea, the digital dental implants
procedure may be right for you.
Please call +82 (0)2 512 0715 today
for an appointment with an implant dentist
at S-PLANT Dental Hospital.
"Patient safety is always
a top priority"
-S-PLANT DentalClinic-
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