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Many Chinese dentists visit S-PLANT Dental Hospital! What is the reason?



Many Chinese dentists visit S-PLANT

Dental Hospital! What is the reason?





Dentists from China visited S-PLANT Dental

Hospital on 14th, May early in the morning.

They were impressed by Dr. Hyunki Roh,

who lectured at the COEX Grand Ballroom,

[Dentium World Symposium] last Sunday

and asked for a visit to find out more

about S-PLANT Dental Hospital.

First of all, there was time to give

introduction of S-PLANT Dental Hospital

in the meeting room.





When Dr. Hyunki Roh arrived,

Chinese dentists gave a big hand

Nayoung Kook, the director of SIDC

(S-PLANT International Dental clinic) has

introduced briefly about

S-PLANT Dental Hospital with PPT.







After brief introduction about the hospital,

we went down to our Implant operating

room on the 8th floor to start a tour of

hospital with explaining the aromatherapy

that relieves the tension of patients

before surgery. Our aromatherapy therapist,

Ms. Cha explained what and how we do

aromatherapy to our patients and afterwards,

Dr. Hyunki Roh explained about the process

Of disinfection, general anesthesia equipment

in the operating room and surgical tools





Taking photos with Dr. Roh





On behalf of Dr. Hyunki Roh,

who was busy with the implant surgery

schedule, the remaining hospital tour was

handled by Nayoung Kook from SIDC.




She introduced the remaining floor and

explained details about S-PLANT Dental

Hospital to the dentists from China.

They asked many questions and showed

great interest about S-PLANT Dental Hospital.






"Patient safety is always
 a top priority"
-S-PLANT DentalClinic-