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S-plant 信息 _SIDC服务 专为外国人患者提供的服务。不仅给予行政支援,还提供1对1专业协调员、医疗实名制、费用实价制、医护人员服务等贴心服务以顺利完成治疗。
2017年S-Plant口腔医院[爱的洗牙Day]_幸福的一天 S-Plant口腔医院的员工特别活动! 2017年[爱的洗牙Day]召开了。 就是新来的牙科护士请家人或者好朋友来 亲手给他们洗牙的活动, 当个S-Plant口腔医院的传统。 特别是她们准备视频给自己的客人表示感谢, 大家都感动了,有的人终于流眼泪了。 我们希望新来的牙科护士们和现在一样多拥有幸福的心情,努力坚持下去! 没有什么比患者的安全重要的了! 没有什么比职员的幸福重要的了! -S-Plant口腔医院- 坚强的顶梁柱,我的爸爸 ▶邮件 : splantdental@gmail.com ▶电话号码 : +82.2.512.1120(外国人专用) ▶Instagram : s_plant_dental ▶微信 : splantdental
在2017_登腾首尔论坛得感谢奖 在2017_登腾首尔论坛得感谢奖 《S-Plant口腔医院卢铉基院长》 S-Plant口腔医院的卢铉基院长4月份参加2017登腾首尔论坛, 给大家介绍了“The Application of Dental CAD/CAM” ◆ 2017 登腾首尔论坛[Dentium Seoul Forum] 链接看关联新闻 ◆ 登腾为了表扬他的精彩表演给卢铉基院长奖了感谢赏。 ◆ 2017 登腾首尔论坛[Dentium Seoul Forum]_ 卢铉基院长◆ 登腾通过长时间的经验和研究给患者提供质量高的种植牙齿材料, 也关心种植牙齿的现场,更加努力种植牙齿治疗全过程的改善。 S-PLANT口腔医院的卢铉基院长当个登腾的"Key Opinion Leader”, 有种植牙齿治疗的现场经验,更加努力韩国的种植治疗的发展。 “没有什么比患者的安全更重要” [S-PLANT口腔医院] ▶ 邮件 : spla..
comparison of'Anatomage Guide Dental Implant' to the conventional dental implant comparison of'Anatomage Guide Dental Implant' to the conventional dental implant comparison of 'Anatomage Guide Dental Implant ' to the conventional dental implant 1. Diagnosis 2. Diagnosis 3. Planning 4. Surgical Guide Manufacture 5. Surgery 6. Immediate Prosthetics http://splant.kr/ Tel : +82-2-512-1120(foreigner only) contact us ▶ splantdental@gmail.com Homepage ▼ If you sympathize, ..
[Surgeon’s real name] campaign for patient safety at the Gangnam Medical Tour Center in Korea [Surgeon’s real name] campaign for patient safety at the Gangnam Medical Tour Center in Korea. Do you know Gangnam [Surgeon’s real name] Style? S-PLANT Dental Hospital has participated in the [Surgeon’s real name] campaign for patient safety at the Gangnam Medical Tour Center in Korea. S-PLANT Digital Dental Hospital International Dental Clinic As No.1 professional dental hospital in Asia, With ..
There was an annual kick-off meeting at S-Plant Dental Hospital There was an annual kick-off meeting at S-Plant Dental Hospital 2017 Kick-off meeting at S-Plant Dental Hospital There was an annual kick-off meeting at S-Plant Dental Hospital. Everyone seemed happy with full of excitement. Soo-kyung Lee took place the MC after Hee-jin Kim New trainees with enthusiasm Celebrating birthdays in January Welcome newcomers! Mi-ra Kim was promoted to chief of staff. ..
[A ceremony of the end of the 2016] [A ceremony of the end of the 2016] There was a ceremony of the end of the 2016 at S-Plant dental hospital. Everybody had a great time sharing gifts and looking back on memories. Happy time with a bright smile. Wishing that there will be many more days to laugh together in 2017. All kinds of gifts waiting for winners Gifts are placed under the cards written by staffs on the subjects of [ How was..
Dental Implant Dental Implant Dental Implant Welcome and meet our 'Anatomage Guide Dental Implant' through Implant 3D i-CAT CT provided by Dentists of Ph.D. on Dentistry from Seoul National University. It is safer and more precise than ever. + What is Implant? The implant therapy consists of the insstallation of artificial dental root(fixture) and the connection of dental crown, the tooth head, to the root. Th..