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What are the Benefits of One-Day Dental Implants

Less Time Consuming

Immediate dental implants restorations give you new teeth quicker, 

meaning you won’t have to go long periods of time with missing teeth.

Looking and feeling natural

With one-day implants, patients can return to their normal lifestyles quicker 

with their natural looking and feeling teeth!

Less Opportunity for Bone or Gum Shrinkage 

Placing implants and providing an immediate tooth replacement lessens 

the time frame for bone or gum shrinkage. 

Missing teeth can cause deterioration of the bone and gums for patients, so sometimes, 

the sooner an implant is placed after an extraction, the better.

Faster Healing Time

The average healing time for one-day implants is about six to 12 weeks. 

That’s generally appealing, because on average, 

the entire process can take anywhere from five to eight months.

Patients might even be able to eat and talk comfortably during the healing process, 

with minimal disruption to their daily lives.

The Gums Fit With the Crown Better 

Because the crown is put on the implant right away, 

the gums will often grow around it, making it look more natural. 

However, there is the chance that tissue remodeling 

may be required after placing the implant.

Contact S-PLANT Dental Hospital 

to find out more information about one-day dental implants!