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What are the symptoms of periodontitis?

What are the symptoms of periodontitis?





The symptoms depend on the stage

of disease, but generally include:


gums that bleed when you brush

your teeth or floss

bad breath


changes in the position of

your teeth or loose teeth

receding gums


red, tender, or swollen gums


buildup of plaque or tartar on your teeth


pain when chewing


tooth loss


foul taste in your mouth


inflammatory response throughout

your body



Inflammation (gingivitis)

Periodontitis begins with inflammation in

the gums known as gingivitis.

One of the first signs of gingivitis is that

your gums will bleed when you brush or

floss your teeth.

You might also notice some discoloration

on your teeth. This is called plaque.

Plaque is a buildup of bacteria and food

debris on your teeth. Although bacteria are

always present in your mouth, they only

become harmful when conditions allow

them to increase dramatically.

This might happen if you don’t brush or

floss, or get dental cleanings on a

regular basis.



Early periodontal disease

In the early stages of periodontitis,

your gums recede, or pull away,

from your teeth and small pockets form

between gums and teeth.

The pockets harbor harmful bacteria.

Your immune system tries to fight

the infection, and your gum tissue starts

to recede. You’ll likely experience bleeding

during brushing and flossing as well,

and possibly some bone loss.



Moderate periodontal disease

If left to progress to moderate periodontal

disease, you might experience bleeding and

pain around the teeth and gum recession.

Your teeth will begin to lose bone support

and become loose. The infection can also

lead to an inflammatory response

throughout your body.



Advanced periodontal disease

In advanced disease, the connective tissue

that holds your teeth in place begins to

deteriorate. The gums, bones,

and other tissue that support your teeth

are destroyed. If you have advanced

periodontitis, you might experience severe

pain while chewing, severe bad breath,

and a foul taste in your mouth

You’ll likely lose your teeth.


Symptoms in the early stages of

periodontitis are often not very noticeable.

Your dentist will likely be the first to point

them out. This is why it’s important

that you visit a dentist on a regular basis

for a screening.