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Do I Need Custom Dental Implant Abutments?



Do I Need Custom

Dental Implant Abutments?



Most implants have three pieces.

The implant that goes in your bone,

the abutment the holds the tooth, and

the crown tooth that attaches to the






The implant abutment is particularly

important, providing the interface

between the implant and the prosthetic

restoration. Implant abutments have to

offer long-term strength, high stability,

excellent biocompatibility, and

resistance to corrosion.


Implant abutments can be either stock or

custom abutments. The only advantage of

stock abutments is their lower initial cost,

but a major disadvantage is the ideal

anatomic contour and emergence profile

cannot be achieved.

On the other hand, custom abutments are

just such an advancement and recognizable,

especially when restoring anterior teeth.





 Stock Abutment vs Custom Abutment


Stock Abutments


Stock abutments are pre-made,

which lowers the cost and shortens

the amount of time spent doing a

dental implant. However it will not be able

to precisely control the final margin

placement on the crown, as it depends

on the height of the abutment and

the depth of the implant.

This lack of precision puts patient at a

higher risk for implant failure due to



Custom Abutments


Custom abutments are as their name

suggests, custom-made for patients.

These abutments can be accurately milled to

fit the crest of their tissue as well as made

gold colored or fabricated from zirconia

for a better match to their teeth.

Custom abutments, while more expensive,

provide much better tissue management

and esthetics. For these reasons,

they are recommended for use in the

esthetic zone such as anterior teeth as

mentioned previously.

They will match a patient’s smile,

even as gums recede.





At S-PLANT Dental Hospital,

we use custom abutments for every each

patient. Please call or e-mail us for

any questions.





"Patient safety is always
a top priority"
-S-PLANT DentalClinic-