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Digital Dental Technology of S-PLANT Dental Hospital




Digital Dental Technology of

S-PLANT Dental Hospital





All x-rays taken at

S-PLANT Dental Hospital are digital.

The benefit of this to our patients is reduced

radiation, comfort, and improved diagnosis.

A 3D Dental CT Scan used for dental work

is a three dimensional view of your oral and

maxillofacial structures. Our state-of-the-art

machine provide us with more accurate

anatomical information than traditional

X-ray films, without having to inconvenience

our patients by sending them to a different

location for an expensive CT scan.



Cone Beam Computed Tomography

(CBCT) imaging is becoming increasingly

popular in dental offices for diagnosing

disease and treatment planning future

restorations. The machine used by

S-PLANT Dental Hospital is comfortable

and emits significantly less radiation than

those typically found in other hospitals.

We use the scans to analyze your bone

structure, diagnose infections, document

pathology, and we also get a partial

view of the sinus areas.



We can also easily determine the best

placement for dental implants.





This video is to show that many things

can be seen through the use of

a CBCT scanner and it is especially

useful for implant diagnosis





"Patient safety is always
 a top priority"
-S-PLANT DentalClinic-