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English/Dental care

Are You Prepared for a Dental Emergency? (2)



Are You Prepared for a Dental

Emergency? (2)





Tongue or lip bites or wounds:

Clean the area gently with a clean cloth

and apply cold compresses to reduce

any swelling. If the bleeding can’t be

controlled, go to a hospital emergency

room or clinic. You may able to reduce

bleeding from the tongue by pulling

it forward and using gauze to put

pressure on the wound.





Objects caught between teeth:

Try to gently remove the object with

dental floss. Never use a sharp instrument

to remove any object that is stuck between

your teeth. If you can’t dislodge the object

with floss, contact your dentist.





Possible broken jaw:

Apply cold compresses to control swelling.

Get to the hospital emergency room



As with a medical emergency,

a dental emergency can occur at any time

and without warning. The most common

dental emergencies are dental/facial injuries

and acute infections of the teeth,

gums and the supporting bone.


At the onset of any dental emergency,

it is important that you contact us right

away so that we can evaluate your condition,

repair the damages and prevent future

complications or problems.


Accidents do happen, and seeking treatment

promptly can mean the difference between

saving a tooth.  It is better to deal with

the problem earlier, not later!





"Patient safety is always
 a top priority"
-S-PLANT DentalClinic-