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Why Are Your Gums Bleeding? (3)



Why Are Your Gums Bleeding? (3)





You’ve got diabetes


The disease can make it harder for

your body to fight off bacteria in your mouth

that cause plaque. Gums that bleed

when you brush or floss is on sigh

your diabetes has led to gum disease.





You’re stressed out


Stress affects more than your mental state.

It can have real and lasting effects on

your physical health too.

When you’re stressed, your body makes

chemicals that lead to inflammation and

gu, disease. When you’re upset,

you might also eat more sweets,

drink alcohol, or smoke.

All of these unhealthy habits encourage

the growth of bacteria in your mouth.





Bleeding gums run in your family


If your mother, father, brother or sister

has unhealthy gums, you might have

inherited genes that make you more

likely to have it too. Genes aren’t destiny

though. You can reverse the process

if you take good care of your gums

and teeth and see the dentist for

regular checkups.





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