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What is the treatment for cavities?



What is the treatment for






There are three things to consider

in the treatment of dental cavities:

prevention, remineralization,

and restoration.





Prevention: A greater emphasis on

preventive dentistry has helped

reduce the incidence of premature

tooth loss. Since we can't eliminate

the bacteria that are in the mouth,

limiting the amount and frequency of

sugars and starches in our diet is

the easiest way to prevent

dental caries. Maintaining a healthy

diet to prevent tooth decay is very

important in children and toddlers

both for baby teeth and as they start

to get their adult teeth.

Sugary soft drinks and juices are

especially harmful to the teeth.

When possible, sweeteners such as

sucralose should be substituted for

sucrose because they can't be digested

by bacteria. Xylitol is another sugar

substitute that actually kills bacteria,

so chewing xylitol gum after meals will

greatly reduce the incidence of cavities.

Plaque can be removed from the outside

of teeth by brushing and from in between

the teeth with dental floss.

Use of a mouthwash also helps by limiting

the number of harmful bacteria

in the mouth. A dentist will often

suggest placing plastic sealants

in the pits and grooves of teeth in

children to protect them from decay.

Visiting the dentist regularly will help

prevent cavities from forming or catch

them when they're small.





Remineralization: Shallow cavities

can be reversed when they are treated

with a substance that contains fluoride

or calcium. This "rehardening" process

is known as tooth remineralization.

Fluoride makes the enamel more

resistant to cavities and can be applied

to teeth through fluoride toothpastes,

supplements, dental office fluoride

treatments and varnishes,

and fluoridated water. The amount of

fluoride exposure must be carefully

controlled though, because high levels

can be toxic.





Restoration: When a cavity is too large

to be remineralized,

it must be restored. If the cavity is still

small, it can be restored with a filling

made of composite.

If a large part of the tooth is decayed,

it will need to be covered with a crown.

Crowns are typically made of gold,

porcelain, or zirconium.

If the cavity has extended to the center

of the tooth and infected the nerve,

a root canal will have to be performed.

Sometimes, the cavity infects a majority

of the tooth surface and the tooth

has to be extracted.

Areas where teeth have been extracted

can usually be restored with

dental implants or bridges.

Baby teeth that get cavities may be

restored with a filling, a stainless

steel crown, extraction, or pulpotomy.

It is very important that kids get their

baby teeth treated so that abscesses

don't form and oral disease doesn't

keep increasing into adulthood.






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