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Precautions of dental implant in diabetic patients



Precautions of dental implant

in diabetic patients






Minimal incision in the gum


Without gum incision, 3D CT images

help determine the adjacent anatomical

structures such as patient’s teeth,

bone depth, width, nerve structures,

etc, and then a minimal incision is made

to reduce the bleeding and swelling,

thereby recovery period

can be shortened.

Therefore, dental implants successfully

can be placed without worrying

about falling out or breaking.




Thorough infection management


Diabetic patients have little resistance

and immunity to infection so the

infection should be thoroughly managed.

As S-PLANT Dental Hospital is an

accredited hospital by Ministry of

Health and Welfare, we have passed over

200 certification criteria such as

infection management, quality

improvement of medical care, patient’s

safety ect. S-PLANT Dental Hospital,

a trustworthy medical institution, performs

dental implant surgery in specialized

operation rooms.




Inform a surgeon of medication or

Health supplement you’re taking.


The aspirin, ginkgo leaf extract, garlic

extract etc which diabetic patients

frequently take have certain qualities that

thin the blood so it affects wound

healing and interrupt hemostasis.

Therefore, it is important to inform a

surgeon of medication or health

supplement you’re taking.




Diabetic patients would preferentially

be treated in the morning


The hypoglycemic agents or insulin

usually is given in the morning so

diabetic patients achieve good glycemic

control. Patients with diabetes get

easily tired and their bodies are less

immune during the afternoon, as

a result, stress causes high blood

pressure and emergencies can occur.




Visit a dentist for regular checkup

five times a year


Dry mouth which many diabetes patients

have makes the environment perfect for

germs to grow, therefore try drinking

plenty of water constantly and visit a

dentist for regular dental checkup five

times a year even if there is not a

major problem.



Easy and hard dental implant surgery

If you inform a dentist of your medical

conditions and have a thorough

consultation, you can get a better

success rate with dental implants.




"Patient safety is always

 a top priority" 

-S-PLANT DentalClinic-