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English/S-PLANT Dental Hospital

Dental implant surgery in korea / S-Plant Dental Hospital



Dental implant surgery

 in korea


S-Plant Dental Hospital


If you have dental implant surgery

 with world-class Korean

dental medical sytem,
what would be different?

What would be the advantage of

S-PLANT Dental Hospital in Korea?




A highly advanced

medical system






Safe dental implant treatment






 Prompt treatment







 Painless and fearless






Every Korean dental hopstial prides in its

high medical standards, but

S-PLANT Dental Hospital is more special.


S-PLANT Dental Hospital has accredited

by Ministry of Health and Welfare of Korea
and chosen as an international patient

attraction agency.




If you're considering dental treatment and

implants in Korea,
please visit S-PLANT Dental Hospital.

We are fully prepared for foreign patients

from accommodation to translation

and conceireges.







"Patient safety is always

a top priority"

 -S-PLANT DentalClinic-









Online Counselling ▶http://splant.kr/
▶Tel : 82-2-512-1120(foreigner only)
▶site contact us : http://splant.kr/contact-us/online-counseling/
▶contact us : splantdental@gmail.com